班牙和葡萄牙,一方面又在1809年准备组织第五次反法联盟,企图趁机复仇的奥地利也参加上这次同盟。但俄国因拿破仑与亚历山大一世的爱尔福特会晤而保持中立。法国的盟国则为莱茵同盟、德意志公国。奥地利在经历了1805年及1806年的失败后,改革军队准备战争,并在1809年4月9日冒险对法宣战。7月5日到6日法军在瓦格拉姆击败奥军,并强迫奥地利在10月14日缔结维也纳条约,结果第五次反法联盟失败。 -------来源<百度百科>
感谢COBET(@lukex )协助翻译
MOD特性:(The Mod's Features)
阵型系统,包括反骑兵方阵-(Battle Formations, including anti-cavalry square)
军衔系统-(Military ranks earned in battle or purchased by commission)
大量史实中的制服和武器-(Hundreds of thoroughly-researched and historically-accurate uniforms and weapons)
单人模式中详细而且庞大的地图-(Campaign for mastery of Europe on a massive and detailed map)
全新的战斗场面,包括海战-(New hand-crafted battle scenes including Naval Battles)
竞技场重新设计,包括射击,剑术和拳击-(Tournaments and Arenas redone to include shooting, fencing and prizefighting)
通过击败不同等级的敌人,你可以获得不同的声望和荣誉-(Earn fame and glory by capturing enemy standards and presenting them to your regent)
仓库系统,可以在里面购买武器,制服,或者雇佣到教官,-(Military Depots where one can purchase weapons and uniforms or hire trained specialists)
全新模型,纹理,战斗效果和建筑-(Graphical overhaul including new horse, textures, effects and buildings)
历史上著名的军团,包括老近卫军,绿夹克,波兰枪骑兵等等-(Hundreds of new troops, with such famous regiments as the Old Guard, 95th Rifles and Polish Lancers)
在野战中可以使用火炮-(Functioning field artillery for both the player and the AI)
既可以单人娱乐,也适合组织活动-(Multiplayer action designed work both in regimented events and public play)
服务器最大可支持250个玩家-(Support for 250 players on one server)
数百个物品可用于众多的自定义单位-(Hundreds of items usable by tons of customisable classes)
多人游戏中,每个兵种都可以选择扮演一个士兵,士官,军官或者旗手-(Choose to play as a ranker, NCO, officer or flag bearer (if applicable) for every class.)
单人游戏中所有的阵营在多人游戏中可用-(All of the singleplayer factions playable in multiplayer)
-and more and more