PDF Power Tool是一个免费的程序,将让你从数字化的命令行签署PDF文件。所有你需要上手证书和PDF文件。如果你没有一个真正的证书,那么我们就可以帮助您创建一个测试证书,你可以用它来测试我们的软件的功能。软件截图1命令用法:PdfPowerTool.exe [PARAMETERS]Parameter ? ? Description----------------- -------------------------------------------------------------/INPUT ? ? ?File name of PDF document to sign./OUTPUT ? ? ?File name of resulting signed PDF document./SIGNCERTIFICATE File name of PFX certificate file./SIGNPASSWORD ? Password for certificate./SIGNCONTACT ? Name of contact./SIGNREASON ? ?Sign reason./SIGNLOCATION ? Sign location./SIGN ? ? ? Sign the PDF document./DISPLAYSIGNATURE Show a visible signatuer./SIGNPAGE ? ? Page to place visible signature on. Default is 1./SIGNLLX ? ? Lower left X coordinate for visible signature./SIGNLLY ? ? Lower left Y coordinate for visible signature./SIGNRUY ? ? Upper right X coordinate for visible signature./SIGNRUX ? ? Upper right Y coordinate for visible signature./RESPONSE ? ? File name of response file.举例说明:Sign a PDF documentHere is how to sign a PDF document with a visible signature on the first page.PdfPowerTool.exe /INPUT mydocument.pdf /OUTPUT signed.pdf/SIGNCERTIFICATE cert.pfx /SIGNPASSWORD mysecret /SIGNVisible PDF signatureYou can make the signature visible in the document with the /DISPLAYSIGNATURE command line switch.PdfPowerTool.exe /INPUT mydocument.pdf /OUTPUT signed.pdf/SIGNCERTIFICATE cert.pfx /SIGNPASSWORD mysecret /DISPLAYSIGNATURE /SIGN