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软件 | YUMPAD点单 5.2020.32 |
分类 | 金融理财 |
语言 | 简体中文 |
大小 | 44.5 MB |
版本 | 免费 |
下载 | ![]() |
介绍 | YUMPAD点单 5.2020.32免费北雁南飞惹百里挑一人喜爱8. 之后懂得筛选身边的人,发现和人相处也不是那么痛苦的事情。汤有过这样的比喻:“要一个不正常的人觉得你正常,说明你还不正常。”有时就是这样被逼着,选择自己的生活圈子。而且,将会有许多有用有趣的活动,从中你可以对中国文化有一个更清晰的认识。曹操112.老骥伏枥,志在千里。烈士暮年,壮心不已。《龟虽寿》 2009年易石软件即已推出iPad自助点菜系统,我们创造性的设计理念,将菜单设计与布局的灵活性完全交给餐厅和平面设计师,从而让餐厅的iPad菜单变得个性化且美轮美奂; 绝大多数的高档正餐餐厅,菜单变化非常频繁,纸质菜单不仅制作费用很高,而且难以满足运营变化的要求,搭配12.9寸超大屏幕的iPad Pro,可以完美的展现餐厅菜肴的独特之处,主次分明的引导式点菜方式,也让客人满意的同时,获得餐厅理想的综合毛利率;配菜浏览模式,可以很好的满足高档餐厅为客人点菜配菜的流程需求;可灵活到按天方便调整菜单,以及集团统一设置下发调整图片菜谱等功能,大幅增加餐厅,特别是连锁餐厅的运营调整能力。 In 2009, Yumstone Software has launched the iPad eMenu Self-Ordering system. Our creative design and programming concept is to pass the creative menu design and layout flexibility to the restaurant menu designer, so that the restaurant's iPad menu can be personalized on its own and beautiful. The vast majority of high-end dinner restaurants, their menu changes are very frequent. It is not only the production of paper menu costs are high and it is difficult to meet the requirements of the restaurant operational changes. Using a 12.9-inch large screen iPad Pro, it can perfectly show the uniqueness of the restaurant dishes and menu. The eMenu will have the brand image which the restaurant wish to portray with all of their signature dishes displayed. In this new system, all the pages only consist of images which should be there to evoke appetite. The pages can be flipped smoothly and consumers can enjoy each of the beautifully created pages. Using menu engineering by displaying the pictures of signature dishes would result in consumers selecting these dishes more. Guests can easily select the dishes and also with great satisfaction and ultimately increases the restaurant profit margin. The50. 失恋了,好似上帝再给你一次重新选择的机会,让你看清对方,看清自己。让你知道自己真正想要的是什么。 side-by-side browsing mode can satisfy the order requirements of the high-end restaurants of ordering the dishes for guests; The ease of changing of the menu for day operation and the enterprise group menu update functions will improve on the restaurant operation adjustments and especially benefit to the chain restaurants. 我们还提供中餐,西餐两个模式,并完美实现中英文双语点菜的模式切换,以及微信支付/支付宝扫码支付的系统直连支付等强大功能。同样历经了20多个版本的升级迭代,易石软件的iPad自助点菜系统,至今仍旧是大多高档餐厅更理想的点菜方式。 We also provide two different modes for Chinese food and Western food restaurants. It can smoothly switch between the bilingual Chinese and English on the ordering of the dishes and as well as the powerful integration to WeChat and Alipay direct payment. After the same of more than 20 versions of the upgrades, Yumstone Software iPad eMenu Self-Ordering system is still the preferred ordering method for most of the high-end restaurants. YUMPAD点单 5.2020.32 更新内容: 1. 修复了扫餐桌码点菜后,还需要服务员介入才能下单的问题。 YumPad eMenu Self-Ordering 正岑寂,明朝又寒食。强携酒、小桥宅,怕梨花落尽成秋色。燕燕飞来,问春何在?惟有池塘自碧。054李白:梦游天姥吟留别YUMPAD点单25、Time tries all things. |
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