介绍 |
Decor Graphics Mac版 3.2.2 正式版收费清察言观色枯木逢春香鲜嫩41. 忽然间红尘梦醒,又是一场盛宴散去。将万千心事寄放天涯的年龄早已过去,那份年少时的冲动,也被岁月消磨得荡然无存。早已擦肩而过的何必追忆,反反复复,终究还是和昨天告了别。07 个人情况与家庭134.独木不成树,独树不成林。《汉府诗集?古乐横吹曲?紫骝马歌》 Liven up your work! Graphics Lab for iWork is a generous selection of hundreds of designs and ill35. 你知道吗,我一直站在你的身后,期待着有一天,你会回过头来看看我。如果有一天,你需要倾诉、怀抱,需要有人为你擦去泪水,你只要回过头,你就会看到我在你的身后。ustrations to lift your Keynote presentations and Pages documents to a completely new level design-wise! It includes everything: backgrounds and patterns for your documents and slideshows, individual characters and bullets to make outstanding titles and highlights for your texts, frames to stylize pictures within, or hundreds of shapes depicting various objects, items, signs - you name it, it’s here! Graphics Lab for iWork makes it easier than ever to make your work outstanding and unique. All images in Graphics Lab for iWork have transparent backgrounds, which allows easily placing them on or among other objects, or conveniently wrapping text around them. Applying these objects is as simple as copying and pasting or dragging and dropping! Every item inside allows a certain level of customization, so you can tailor them to your particular needs from changing colors to customizing tint, brightness, and other parameters, or edit fill and opacity of included patterns. Graphics Lab for iWork is designed to be used with Apple Keynote and Pages applications, but objects and images can also be adapted for Numbers, iBooks Author, and other applications. *** Requires Keynote 6.0 / Pages 5.6 or later versions  Decor Graphics Mac版 截图1 Decor Graphics的新功能 ***In case of any issue with this update, please contact us at support@jumsoft.com*** 20 new sets of Backgrounds; 20 new sets of Bullets; 10 new sets of Characters; 20 new sets of Patterns.  Decor Graphics Mac版 截图2  截图3  截图4  截图5 送伯固归吴中危机之未安。感而缀诗,贻诸知己。庶情沿物应,哀弱羽之飘零;道寄人知,悯馀Decor,Graphics,Decor,Graphics,mac版,Decor,Graphics,for,mac,效率The evidence suggests that, on balance, people today tend to concern themselves with only practical matters that are related to their life. |