360自做用Inf Health (Not tested on chapter 1) 无限血(第一关不要用)Inf Items 无限物件Inf Battle Points 无限信用卡积分(买武器装备更新招数)Inf Blade Time 无限慢镜头随意激光切割(发泄吧)999 Combo 999连斩Freeze Timer 锁住时长Max Battle Points for Score 较大优秀率Max Kills 较大杀总数Max Zandatsu 较大斩夺运行Launch_Trainer.xex,游戏里面Start Back呼出来菜单栏,XEX、GOD通用性Usage1. Download the attached files.2. Unzip the files3. Drop the Trainer_Loader.xex and Trainer.xex into the "Metal Gear Rising Revengeance" game folder with the default.xex4. Launch Launch_Trainer.xex.xex5. You can now start game by God/DVD/Extracted..6. Press Start Back while in the game and follow the on-screen instructions** TEST NEW QUICK ACTIVATE CODES **键盘快捷键When in gameHold - LB RB X = Enable All CheatsHold - LB RB A = Inf HealthHold - LB RB Y = Inf ItemsHold - LB RB DPAD_RIGHT = Inf Blade TimeHold - LB RB Dpad_UP = Inf Battle PointsHold - LB RB Dpad_LEFT = Freeze TimerHold - LB RB Dpad_DOWN = 999 Combo
by BigMikey1 JACKASS