介绍 |
Tick Tock Mac版 1.2收费悬崖峭寒冬腊月深更半夜壁10. 爱一个人就是在拨通电话时忽然不知道要说什么,才知道原来只是想听听那熟悉的声音,原来真正想拨通的,只是心底的一根弦。21.对…产生有利/不利的影响 exert positive/ negative effects on…38.言必信,行必果。 INTRODUCING A NEW WAY OF KEEPING TIME. SET AND BLOW! Set an alarm or countdown timer in dramatic fashion with Tick Tock. Pick the time and Tick Tock will simply do the rest, from counting down the last minute to exploding and notifying you of an important event in your life. Enjoy this fun and exciting new way to stop forgetting things you have to do at a certain time. The timer section of this app will display a prominent countdown mechanism that can be very helpful if you need to keep track of events in this fashion. Enjoy and have some fun with this great gadget. This is another app from ILifeTouch that will make your life easier one day at a time. Features * Command Central to control all time settings * up to 8 separate timers can be set simultaneously * 8 time choices for quick use (reference) * all mini timers can be colour coded * all mini timers can be tagged with a written label * animation and warning in the last 15 seconds * 15 second countdown on the dock icon * current time is displayed in Command Central * explosion time is displayed in each set mini timer * iTunes compatible Tick Tock Mac版 截图1 Tick Tock的新功能
New name that is more soothing. New Icon as well. Tick Tock Mac版 截图2 截图24. 那些以前说着永不分离的人,早已经散落在天涯了。3 截图4 黛蛾长敛,任是春风吹不展。 困倚危楼,过尽飞鸿字字愁。303李商隐:嫦娥Tick,Tock,Tick,Tock,mac版,Tick,Tock,for,mac,生活12、Good wine needs no bush. |