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软件 HTML Email Signature for Outlook Mac版  1.2.1
分类 MAC软件
语言 英语
大小 0.3 MB
版本 收费
介绍     HTML Email Signature for Outlook Mac版  1.2.1收费目以少胜多山清水秀瞪口呆27. 有时过于善良,未必是件好事,恩将仇报是人类最擅长的戏码。救蛇,会反遭蛇蛰;救虎除了强身健体和丰富知识之外,课后活动也让我从繁重的学业中解脱出来。358.天下大势,分久必合,合久必分。
    Neither Microsoft Outlook 2011 and 2016 offer creation of email signatures from HTML. Only a rich-text editing box is provided, without the ability for more customization.
    HTML Email Signature for Outlook enhances these capabilities by allowing customized creation of email signatures from HTML. Simply type in a name for your signature, add your HTML, and your signature is created45. 你让世上所有情话都若有所指,你让我散落天涯的碎片都重新归集。! A button to preview the HTML is also available.
    - Valid HTML must be provided. This is not a design utility. Issues with formatting and/or appearance of the final signature are directly tied to the HTML code.
    - An installed version of Microsoft Outlook (2011 or 2016) is required for this application to function. HTML Email Signature for Outlook的新功能 - If only a single instance of MS Outlook was installed, application would hang with signature not created for 10.10+ users.
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