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软件 ColorDial Mac版  1.6
分类 MAC软件
语言 英语
大小 3.6 MB
版本 免费
介绍     ColorDial Mac版  1.6免费琳琅满气势雄刀山火海伟目43. 看重别人,尊重别人,就能把对手变成自己的朋友,就能化害为益,变坏为好,就能把遭遇变为幸运,把坎坷变为通途。我充分认识到英语对我的未来是多么的重要。196.正是江南好风景,落花时节又逢君。《江南逢李龟年》
    A rich and powerful, open-source color wheel/picker for OS X.
    Featuring large and precise 256px wide colored sliders for accurate drilling down until you find that perfect specimen, text entry boxes for entering direct coordinates in multiple formats, css ready definitions to copy and paste, a handy color wheel to rapidly select complementary colors for your scheme, and a retina scale, sub-pixel capable reticle for sniping that elusive RGB value right off your monitor.
    The sampling tool built into ColorDial comes with a large format reticle which is precisely linearly scaled (crisp edges, no blur) and sub-pixel capable, ab2. 我长大了开挖掘机。这家伙张开一张超级大嘴,“啊呜”一口将石头呀、土块呀全咬在嘴里,然后转个弯准确无误地吐到另一台装载车上,太神奇、太好玩了。le to reach every pixel on your screen, even if you\'re sporting a retina display with pixels between your pixels. We\'ve got you covered.
    When you sample a color, it gets automatically added to your history and you can hold down the ? (command) key while clicking to sample multiple colors at once. Press escape to cancel.
    Open source license, project source code available on GitHub.
    ColorDial Mac版 截图1
     ColorDial的新功能 Color picker shows a magnified reticule and previews the hex color code in the main app while hovering.
    Getting to the pixels between the pixels on your shiny retina screen is a big deal, and you\'ll love the new non-blurry linearly scaled sampling reticule sported in this new version.
    introduce proper HSL support, allowing us to perform lighten / darken / saturate / desaturate operations.
    The center 4 color buttons have been converted from Saturation/Value to Saturation/Lightness.
    Added a new 14-color history swatch set over on the right side of the main window which recalls the last colors picked or have added from the color dial.
    You can now hold down the command (?) key when picking to enter continuous picking mode.
    Drag and drop all the color swatches from ColorDial to any application that will accept dropped colors.
    The close on minimize feature has been removed by request.
    The RGB and HSL text boxes are now parsed for input values when they have been entered.
    ColorDial Mac版 截图2
        春风只在园西畔,荠菜花繁胡蝶乱。冰池晴绿照还空,香径落红吹已断。222秦韬玉:贫女ColorDial,ColorDial,mac版,ColorDial,for,mac,工具The author is presenting a false dilemma by imposing an either - or choice between two courses of action that need not be mutually exclusive.




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更新时间:2025/3/31 9:43:52