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软件 | Delphi Package Installer 0.79 官方版 |
分类 | 编程开发 |
语言 | 简体中文 |
大小 | 1.8M |
版本 | 免费 |
下载 | ![]() |
介绍 | Delphi Package Installer 0.79 官方版免费久旱逢甘风调雨顺露一日千里5. 生活的海洋并不像碧波涟漪的西子湖,随着时间的流动,它时而平静如镜,时而浪花飞溅,时而巨浪冲天……人们在经受大风大浪的考验之后,往往会变得更加坚强。当你身临暖风拂面,鸟语花香,青山绿水,良田万顷的春景时,一定会陶醉其中;当你面对如金似银,硕果累累的金秋季节时,一定会欣喜不已。你可曾想过,那盎然的春色却是历经严寒洗礼后的英姿,那金秋的美景却是接受酷暑熔炼后的结晶……The job was hard, boring and seemed endless, which made me so tired that I almost quit half way.197.露从今夜白,月是故乡明。《月夜忆舍弟》 8. 失恋的火山在你生活中爆发了,你在精神上要放松放松再放松,其实失恋也没什么大不了的,不能再在一起,当然要分开,应该为自己的决定感到骄傲。 delphi Package Install 0.79 for XE10 D7 delphi组件自动安装工具 支持XE10 D7,适合于初 级入门的学习,Delphi Install Package 目的:为了方便广大delphi爱好者批量安装和卸载dpk控件 取材:在Delphi Install Package 0.73的基础上作了修改制作而成 使用的三方控件:JCL/VirtualTreeView /Richedit 测试环境:dephi 7 /Delphi XE10 操作系统:win7 X64 制 作:cityboatdelphi组件/控件安装工具是一个用于安装Delphi组件的免费工具,DelphiPI 能自动解决bpl包之间的依赖关系,并且编译,安装和添加目录到delphi IDE上。 帮助 1.左边按钮功能(按顺序) 【刷新】:从【控件包目录】读取【控件包类型】]中指定的dpk (最左边【刷新】和最右边的【刷新】按钮功能相同) 【从指定位置添加控件包】:从批定位置一次添加一个dpk控件包 【从选定目录添加控件包】:从指定位置批量添加dpk控件包 【选择】 :按条件选择 【取消选择】 :按条件取消选择 【以Tree方式显示】 :树型按目录显示控件包 【以List方式显示】 :只显示控件包名称 【以Delphi版本显示】:和文件名有关如 D23 XE10 显示为Delphi XE 2.右边按钮功能(按顺序) 【编译控件包】 :只编译控件包, 【安装控件包】 :安装编译之后的控件包 【编译后安装】 :先编译然后安装控件包 【卸载控件包】 :卸载控件包,会删除注册表和bpl/dcp文件 【日志方式一】 :如题 【日志方式二】 :如题 【日志方式三】 :如题 【加载控件包一】:从SetupPackageList_D7.ini中加载控件包,并显示到左边树 【加载控件包二】:从SetupPackageList_XE10.ini中加载控件包,并显示到左边树 【加载控件包三】:从memo中加载控件包显示到左边树 【保存memo信息】:如题 【帮助信息】 :显示软件帮助信息 【关于】 :显示软件版本信息 使用方法: 选择所在的文件夹都包文件包文件( *.dpk ) 和源代码文件( *.pas ) 所在的目录 如果目录结构是这样的: SuperLibrary\\packages SuperLibrary\\source 然后,只需选择superlibrary文件夹中,指定一个或几个相匹配的Delphi的安装包进行安装 如果您不想安装的,只是离开它作为*. dpk和取消不适合您的Delphi安装包 还可以过滤掉不想使用的安装包,在package file pattern中可以把*.dpk改为*d7.dpk,那这样的话就会把d7结尾的包过滤出来其它的包就不会安装了 单击编译,软件包将汇编和安装 更新日志: 0.7.9 Adding search- and browsing paths didn't work properly 0.7.8 New: Configuration of optional Search and Browsing Paths New: Writing optional Search and Browsing Paths in script file New: Folder selectors for Base, BPL, DCP and DCU folder Added Data.Win in namespace search path Some minor cosmetic adjustments DelphiPIConsole: fixed memory leak and cleanup temporary search paths Hints and warnings resolved 0.7.7 Include 10.1 Berlin recognizers Create Win64 BPL and DCP folder when missing Log installation description 0.7.6 Relative path support in search path The ability to use a temporary search path by placing a minus sign in front of the path in a script file (This could be useful when units have a circular reference which cannot be avoided) Added VCLTee;XML;DataSnap in namespace search path Some compiler warnings removed DelphiPIConsole: A forgotten TJclConsole output in ConsoleRunner.pas disabled 0.7.5 DelphiPIConsole: The colorful TJclConsole output disabled (keeps throwing system error 87) DelphiPIConsole: Stop further processing after a compile failure 0.7.4 Compile and install x64 packages Include XE8 and 10 Seattle recognizers Auto load script if script file "DelphiPI.script" exists DelphiPIConsole: Fixed parameters DelphiPIConsole: EOSError: System Error. Code: 87 solved (Microsoft KB830473 command-line limitation) DelphiPIConsole: Added exitcode 1 on fail DelphiPIConsole: Waiting for a keypress removed (Automated build process) Earlier versions were supported by Ibrahim Dursun. 更新日志: 0.7.9 Adding search- and browsing paths didn't work properly 0.7.8 New: Configuration of optional Search and Browsing Paths New: Writing optional Search and Browsing Paths in script file New: Folder selectors for Base, BPL, DCP and DCU folder Added Data.Win in namespace search path Some minor cosmetic adjustments DelphiPIConsole: fixed memory leak and cleanup temporary search paths Hints and warnings resolved 0.7.7 Include 10.1 Berlin recognizers Create Win64 BPL and DCP folder when missing Log installation description 0.7.6 Relative path support in search path The ability to use a temporary search path by placing a minus sign in front of the path in a script file (This could be useful when units have a circular reference which cannot be avoided) Added VCLTee;XML;DataSnap in namespace search path Some compiler warnings removed DelphiPIConsole: A forgotten TJclConsole output in ConsoleRunner.pas disabled 0.7.5 DelphiPIConsole: The colorful TJclConsole output disabled (keeps throwing system error 87) DelphiPIConsole: Stop further processing after a compile failure 0.7.4 Compile and install x64 packages Include XE8 and 10 Seattle recognizers Auto load script if script file "DelphiPI.script" exists DelphiPIConsole: Fixed parameters DelphiPIConsole: EOSError: System Error. Code: 87 solved (Microsoft KB830473 command-line limitation) DelphiPIConsole: Added exitcode 1 on fail DelphiPIConsole: Waiting for a keypress removed (Automated build process) Earlier versions were supported by Ibrahim Dursun. 卜算子 苏轼或从十五北防河,便至四十西营田。Delphi,Package,Installer,Delphi,Package,Installer下载,编程控件,编程开发No one could seriously think that anyone who grows up poor, lives in a bad neighborhood, and attends an inferior school has an opportunity equal to that of someone more favored. |
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