Flock是一款基于FireFox的浏览器,声称可以带给用户Web 2.0的全新体验,集成了RSS、Blog、书签、图片共享等下一代网络技术,拥有多项目前浏览器所不具备的功能。Flock 比较重要的一个特性是拥有一个Blog编辑器,可与WordPress、Movable Type、Typepad、Blogger等协同工作,同时可以通过简单的拖拽动作在Blog内共享图片,甚至还配备了一个可存储网页内容的剪贴簿,方便 在Blog内使用,Flock同时还内建了RSS功能。
* Flock 2.0 is based on the Firefox 3 technology, providing a faster, safer, and more stable web surfing experience.
* MySpace has been integrated as a people service.
* Revver has been added as Media Bar search service.
* Flock can now detect Media RSS streams, load them in the Media Bar, and subscribe to them.