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软件 Mac翻译软件 InstantTranslate 1.2 正式版
分类 教育教学
语言 简体中文
大小 1.7M
版本 免费
介绍     Mac翻译软件 InstantTranslate 1.2 正式版免费春光明春花秋月山幽路辟媚14. 朋友是什么?朋友是快乐日子里的一把吉它,尽情地为你弹奏生活的愉悦;朋友是忧伤日子里的一股春风,轻轻地为你拂去心中的愁云;朋友是成功道路上的一位良师,热情的将你引向阳光的地带;朋友是失败苦闷中的一盏明灯,默默地为你驱赶心灵的阴霾。我对我们队在运动会上的表现感到失望。30.一年之计,莫如树谷;十年之计,莫如树木;终身之计,莫如树人。
    InstantTranslatefor mac(翻译软件,即时翻译)是一款十分强大的翻译工具,它使用了微软翻译器作为翻译引擎,支持多种语言,支持修改快捷键。它能够将你应用中的一段文本文字从一种语言翻译成另一种语言。4. 你的每一段经历都会把你的胸怀拓宽一点点,使得它作为一个接收容器,能容纳下尽量多的幸福。你只需要选择一段文字,然后按下翻译键,立刻就能获得结果。而且它还支持自动检测你选择的文本的语言,操作十分便利。
    Uses Microsoft® Translator as translation engine.
    Automatically detect the language of the selected text.
    Select the source language if auto detection is not desired.
    Select select the destination language.
    Supported Languages:
    Arabic, French, Latvian, Swedish
    Bulgarian, German, Lithuanian, Thai
    Chinese Simplified, Greek, Norwegian, Turkish
    Chinese Traditional, Haitian Creole, Polish, Ukrainian
    Czech, Hebrew, Portuguese, Vietnamese
    Danish, Hungarian, Romanian
    Dutch, Indonesian, Russian
    English, Italian, Slovak
    Estonian, Japanese, Slovenian
    Finnish, Korean, Spanish
    Change the shortcut key to any key combination. The default key is Command+Shift+@ (??@).
    Result is shown in a simple pop-up window. No bells and whistles, plain results.
    Remember the position and size of the pop-up window. Put it where you prefer it and it will popup in exactly the same place with the same size as you left it.
    InstantTranslate is available in 4 languages. English, Dutch, Polish, German, Japanese and Chines. More languages coming soon.
        蝶恋花 欧阳修永怀愁不寐,松月夜窗墟。Mac翻译软件,InstantTranslate,其他教学When half the population goes to college, one cannot expect the colleges to maintain the same standards as in countries where only the elite attend.




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