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软件 | SQL Server Manager Mac版 2.3 |
分类 | MAC软件 |
语言 | 英语 |
大小 | 6.7 MB |
版本 | 收费 |
下载 | ![]() |
介绍 | SQL Server Manager Mac版 2.3收费一落千果实饱满同甘共苦丈心是一棵树,一个个故事被年轮携载;一回回驿动与飞鸟相约;一次次碰撞使它绵密柔韧;一幕幕经历造就了它博大的胸怀。造句:In 1951 Chairman Mao said in Nan Jing that the power of the mass is endless.18.二人同心,其利断金;同心之言,其臭如兰。 Connect to Microsoft SQL Server/Azure SQL Server/Sybase ASE on your Mac with SQL Server Manager, you can view data easily with Filter, Sort, Paging. With the In-App Purchase \'Edit Data\' you can edit it directly on your Mac. * Connect directly to Microsoft SQL Server , Windows Azure SQL Server and Sybase ASE, no middleware needed. * Browser database tables and views * View table data with paging table list, column resizable * 10+ data view UI control (include Map, Date Time, Checkbox, Rating, Color,Dropdown, Multi-select ...) * Sort table by click on the column * Show cross table data value by ID ( use the Data Picker Setting ) * Filter/Search table data on column * Sort table data by click on the column header * Choose tables to show and columns to show * Drag drop rearrange column order and change column width in main table * Zoom data via change data font size * CSV View and export * Html View with customisable template * Works great with companion mobile app \'SQLServer Database Manager\' for iPhone and iPad (Windows Authentication is not supported.) In-app Purchase \'Edit Data\' Features: * 10+ data edit UI control (include Map, Date Time, Checkbox, Rating, Color Picker,Dropdown, Multi-select...) * Update table row data * Delete table row data * Add table row data * Cross table ID,Value single or multi-select using the Data Picker In-app Purchase \'Map View\' Features: * View Geolocation on map Support two format: 1. Latitude and Longitude column data; 2. any column contain this format geolocation: {lat:11.123,lng:34.56} * Auto update Geolocation by search address Select address column to search, and select save to column to save the found geolocation. Please select the column which have enough length to save Latitude and Longitude. In-App Purchase \'Instant Web Server\' Features: * Publish data on local network with one single click, view and add data on any web browser from mobile devices or computers * Easy setup template for list page and detail page * Build-in form to add data * Configable URL Path, template and server port * Build-in 10+ Html Table Template In-App Purchase \'App Builder\' * Build customised User Interface for your database * Bind database table row data to user control * Support Rows Table List, Row detail data controls, search field Microsoft SQL Server Con19. 纵然很伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知道谁会将会爱上你快乐的笑。nection Config Example: Server: (IP address of the server, or domain name) Port: 1433 (Default is 1433, or change to your customised configuration) User: sa Password: password Schema: (This can be empty, will list all database when connect) Sybase ASE Connections Conifg Example: Server: (IP address of the server, or domain name) Port: 5000 (Default is 5000, or change to your customised configuration) User: sa Password: password Schema: (This can be empty, will list all database when connect) Sybase ASE: checked Windows Azure Config Example: Server: (server address) Port: 1433 (Default is 1433, or change to your customised configuration) User: user@myazureserver Password: password Schema: Northwind (This can not be empty for Windows Azure SQL Server) ![]() SQL Server Manager Mac版 截图1 SQL Server Manager的新功能 Fix \'HTML View\' feature not working on OS X 10.10 Yosemite. ![]() SQL Server Manager Mac版 截图2 ![]() 截图3 ![]() 截图4 ![]() 截图5 香冷金猊,被翻红浪,起来慵自梳头。任宝奁尘满,日上帘钩。生怕离怀别苦,多少事、欲说还休。新来瘦,非干病酒,不是悲秋。179王维:奉和圣制从蓬莱向兴庆阁道中留春雨中春望之作应制SQL,Server,Manager,SQL,Server,Manager,mac版,SQL,Server,Manager,for,mac,软件开发工具First of all, while asserting that real incomes are rising, the author provides no evidence to support this assertion. |
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