一个老外的十字绣制图软件,实际效果比pcstitch好很多,乃至比pcstitch pro还行,清晰度分析十分细致,而且此软件早已被汉化破译。
十字绣软件中文名 十字绣榜样制作者
十字绣软件英文名字 Pattern Maker for cross stitch -V4 通称PM4
合适电脑操作系统Windows 95/98/Me Windows XP Windows NT/2000
Installation Directions:
Click on a link below to begin the file transfer.
If your browser asks you whether it should open the file after it is downloaded, select yes. Otherwise, select a location on your hard disk for the file.
After the download is complete, either allow the browser to automatically open the downloaded file or manually run it by double-clicking it using the Windows File Explorer.
The setup program will then be started.
Please follow the setup program directions to complete the installation.
To run, select Start, Programs, Pattern Maker for cross stitch - v4, and then click the Pattern Maker item.
Select Start the 4-day Trial Period when the Licensing Wizard of the program appears