Touchpad 是一个十分有效的专用工具,如果你电脑打字时它一般就在你的手上。Palm挪动触碰到另一个文字插入符号的地区!
在笔记本上电脑打字时手掌心会常常遇到触摸板,这会造成 异常的鼠标光标精准定位乃至是选定一段文字后被数字键盘遮盖,Touchpad Blocker可以在客户应用电脑键盘时,全自动屏蔽掉触控板一小一段时间(默认设置为300ms)。而这一小一段时间,刚好可以确保键入时的不经意碰触,不容易给已输好的內容添麻烦。300ms后屏蔽掉全自动消除,分毫不可能直接影响到触控板的常规工作中。
February 1, 2012. (Version 2.3)
Keyboard and mouse hooks are periodically reset to prevent unusual terminations. Lower memory consumption. PingNotify(tm) event tracking restricted to few times per day. Google social icon added. Installer and unistaller improved.
November 27, 2011. (Version 2.1)
Default time interval to block clicks changed to 1/2 second. The bug with an unexpected disabling of the blocking feature fixed. The same timings are set for all kinds of balloon notifications.
November 17, 2011. (Version 2.0)
New, more user-friendly interface. Blocking time format changed from milliseconds to seconds. Option to block move and wheel events added. Ability to enable and disable touchpad device (for Synaptics only) added. PingNotiry(tm) event tracking added.