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软件 NDI Source Mac版  1.32
分类 MAC软件
语言 英语
大小 1.8 MB
版本 收费
介绍     NDI Source Mac版  1.32收费愁百里挑一眉紧水乳交融锁14. 我喜欢乘公交,因为我不想再给地球加一分重担——积少是会成多的。但我更喜欢骑单车,不管沿路的风景是否美丽魅人,最起码这是我亲眼看到的,路途的抉择也是我亲自选的,行走的速度、距离……都是我的决定!!就好像人生一般,如果乘公交,可以让爱我的人们放心,我愿意;但我更喜欢骑单车。我们对自己解决问题的能力有足够的信心。293.竹外桃花三两枝,春江水暖鸭先知。《惠崇〈春江晚景〉》
    NDI Source converts SDI/HDMI video to an NDI IP Video stream using a compatible BlackMagic Design video interface.
    If you want to add SDI inputs to your TriCaster or other NDI equipped vision mixer, or you want to feed NDI video into other software, NDI Source provides an easy to use, low latency and high quality solution to grab SDI or HDMI from your BMD interface and output the video and stereo audio as an NDI IP Video st11. 你那不经意间的回眸,像一股晶莹的泉水流入我的心头,比诗还深远,比画还优美,仿佛看到我生命中的一个新的开始。ream.
    Requires: Compatible BlackMagic Design video interface, such as UltraStudio Mini Recorder or UltraStudio 4K via Thunderbolt, or Decklink Duo 2 in a PCI slot.
    NB: This version of NDI Source *only* supports BlackMagic Design video interfaces. See the website for options with other Video Interfaces: //
    * NDI is a trade-mark of NewTek Inc.
    NDI Source Mac版 截图1
     NDI Source的新功能 Fix for intermittent crash after long run time
        莫听穿林打叶声,何妨吟啸且徐行。竹杖芒鞋轻胜马,谁怕!一蓑烟雨任平生。飞湍瀑流争喧[兀豕],冰崖转石万壑雷。NDI,Source,NDI,Source,mac版,NDI,Source,for,mac,视频62、You are only young once.




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