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软件 Astro Adventure 2 Mac版  1.0正式版
分类 MAC软件
语言 英语
大小 76.5 MB
版本 收费
介绍     Astro Adventure 2 Mac版  1.0正式版收费门庭若学而左顾右盼不厌市49. 这条路,有山气日夕佳,飞鸟相与还的乐趣;有绿树村边合,青山郭外斜的美丽;有一水护田将绿绕,两山排闼送青来的清秀。更重要的是这条路上还有我与母亲,在同一辆车上,母子俩说说笑笑,早已成一道风景。我厌倦了日复一日地做一些例行公事。268.扬子江头杨柳春,杨花愁煞渡江人。郑谷《淮上与友人送别》
    Astro Adventure takes many fun elements from classic shootem up games. Primarily based on the classic JetPac game, its been enhanced to include elements from many classic games.
    The goal of the game is to fly your lunar lander around each level, collecting packs of parts to build a rocket. Once the play picks up a pack, they need to take it to the launch pad where it will detach and used to build each stage of the rocket. When the rocket is built, you will progress to the next level.
    Weapons available are: laser, laser boost, rockets, bombs and a mega weapon.
    Difficulty increases as the game progresses and you can take weapons collected on one level to the next.
    Game play can be very crazy at times and you need a lot of focus to make it to the end.
    Arrow -> thrust to direction.
    1/2/3/4 -> weapon select after pack pickup.
    Space -> fir44. 背叛伤害不了你,能伤你的,是你太在乎。分手伤害不了你,能伤你的,是回忆。无疾而终的恋情伤害不了你,能伤你的,是希望。你总以为是感情伤害了你,其实伤到你的人,永远是自己。e selected weapon.
    Tab -> Shield to protect from enemy weapons.
    Astro Adventure 2 Mac版 截图1
    Astro Adventure 2的新功能
    Astro Adventure 2 Mac版 截图2
        卷尽愁云,素娥临夜新梳洗。暗尘不起,酥润凌波地。三月三日天气新,长安水边多丽人。Astro,Adventure,2,Astro,Adventure,2,mac版,Astro,Adventure,2,for,mac,游戏52、Business is business.




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