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软件 | HuePaint Mac版 2.13.1 正式版 |
分类 | MAC软件 |
语言 | 英语 |
大小 | 3.7 MB |
版本 | 免费 |
下载 | ![]() |
介绍 | HuePaint Mac版 2.13.1 正式版免费山麻雀虽小,五脏俱全明雾海夜航水秀30. 缺陷有时可以成就另一种美丽。一只漏水的木桶是不完美的,每次打水,都会因为它的缺陷而洒下一半的水。可是不经意间,那些洒下的水却成了小花们的生命之泉。就是这些漏下的水浇灌出人们脚下的一片芬芳。不错,缺陷并非永远都是不好的,也许不经意间就造就了另一种美丽。在他们的帮助下,我取得了很大进步。(2009.福建)134.独木不成树,独树不成林。《汉府诗集?古乐横吹曲?紫骝马歌》 Create beautiful digital works of art using the colorful painting tools Tie-Dye Brush, Hue Brush, Shaded Brush, and Standard Brush. You will also find a powerful smudge tool that lets you blend and smoothen colors together, as well as an ordinary eraser. PROPRIETARY PAINTING ENGINE We have put years of research and hard work into making our own painting engine from scratch, and we continuously work to improve it. The engine uses 128-bit color and it always utilizes floating-point arithmetic for increased accuracy and a high dynamic color range. ZOOMING AND PANNING Pinch (trackpad) or use keyboard shortcuts to zoom in/out. To pan, drag with two fingers (trackpad) or use arrow keys. Double tap with two fingers (trackpad) or press Space to reset the zoom/pan. In addition, you can press the Tab key to hide the toolbar or Shift-Tab to move it to the other side. 2ND/CTRL-CLICK PAINTING You can opt to have different functionality for normal painting and 2nd/Ctrl-Click painting. Go to \'Settings\' -> \'2nd/Ctrl-Click\', and choose from the list of modes. The most advanced mode lets the 2nd/Ctrl-Click have a separate tool/size/color/etc when you select with a 2nd/Ctrl-Click instead of a normal click. The simpler modes permanently assign a tool such as Eraser to the 2nd/Ctrl-Click, which can be really useful! LAYERS The app supports layers. To open the Layer Control, use the button that has what looks like a stack of papers and a small symbol (e.g. a mountain) on it. In the Layer Control, use the + button to add layers and the - button to delete. You can temporarily toggle a layer on/off using the checkbox to the left. To rename a layer, click on its name. Click on the thumbnail to bring up a menu of layer options that includes an opacity slider. To move a layer within the stack, drag it up/down. You can also change the color of the paper, beneath the layer(s). COLOR SETS Click once on a color to select it. Click a second time to bring up a menu where you can change or adjust the color in a number of ways (this menu also features an Eyedropper tool if you upgrade to Pro). Adjacent to the colors you will find butt41. 无论世界怎么变,无论你的心还在不在,我都要告诉你:我依然爱你,你永远都是我心中最大的眷恋。ons to switch between the different color sets. Press a second time if you want to replace the color set with one of the default ones. SEAMLESS PATTERN EDITING (PRO FEATURE) In addition to creating normal paintings, you can also use this app to make repeating patterns. Switching on the Pattern Edit Mode (horizontally and/or vertically) will display your painting as tiles next to each other. You\'re free to paint anywhere on these tiles, so you can easily create seamless patterns for use as website/desktop backgrounds, in print, or for textures in 3d modelling. Toggle this feature on/off in the Picture menu. POPUP HELP For information on what a specific button does, just hover the mouse pointer above it for a few seconds and a short explanation will appear. ![]() HuePaint Mac版 截图1 HuePaint的新功能 [BUG FIX] Some common actions, such as adding a new layer, or changing the background color, could cause the app to crash. Please remember to update your App Store review/rating. We\'d love to hear what you think! ![]() HuePaint Mac版 截图2 ![]() 截图3 ![]() 截图4 ![]() 截图5 蝶去莺飞无处问,隔水高楼,望断双鱼信。恼乱横波秋一寸,斜阳只与黄昏近。064杜甫:观公孙大娘弟子舞剑器行并序HuePaint,HuePaint,mac版,HuePaint,for,mac,图形和设计31.Like and like make good friends. 趣味相投。 |
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