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软件 PEiD 0.95
分类 编程开发
语言 简体中文
大小 4.3M
版本 免费
介绍     PEiD 0.95免费风直冲云霄火烧眉毛雪交加37. 人生千灯万盏,不如心灯一盏。在这个世界上立足,若是我们想取得一定的曾经,那么我们要少一点胆怯,多一点勇气;少一点自卑,多一点自信;少一点疑虑,多一点信任。事实上,信任本身就意味着勇气和自信。最近,我们班展了开一场讨论,是关于中学生是否有必要带手机去上学。171.两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山。《早发白帝城》
    PEiD专业的查壳软件哦!几乎可以侦测出所有的壳,其数量已超过470 种PE 文档 的加壳类型和签名。PEiD能检测大多数编译语言.、病毒和加密的壳,它主要利用查特征串搜索来完成识别工作的,各种开发语言都有固定的启动代码部分,利用这点可识别是何种语言编译的,被加壳程序处理过的程序,在壳里会留下相关加壳软件的信息,利用这点就可识别是保种壳所加密的,它提供了一个扩展接口文件userdb.txt ,用启可以自定义一些特征码,这样可以识别出新的文件类型,签名的制作可以用插件Add Signature来完成!
    advanced_scan.dll AntiSPack.dll
    crc32.dll Easy Screen 1.3.0.dll
    eCrap.dll eCrapOepVerify.dll
    EPScan.dll ExtOverlay.dll
    ExtractOverlay.dll FC.DLL
    FileInfo.dll FixCRC.DLL
    FNE.dll frant.dll
    FSG v1.33脱壳.dll GenOEP.dll
    GUID.dll hh.dll
    HideCapt.dll HideCapt2.dll
    IDToText.DLL Imploder.DLL
    ImpREC.dll kanal.dll
    Morphine.DLL oepscan.dll
    ohfixer_v01.dll Overlay1.0.dll
    Overlay1.0汉化.dll Oversaver.dll
    PackUPX.DLL Patch_Maker_0.5.0.dll
    PE2HTML.dll PE2HTML.exe
    PEExtract.DLL PEiDBundle.DLL
    PESniffer4PEiD.ASM PESniffer4PEiD.DLL
    PlgLdr.dll PluginEx.dll
    pluzina.dll pluzina1.dll
    pluzina4.dll pluziny.nfo
    QuickChSum.dll RebuildPE.dll
    RelocRebuilder.dll s.bat
    s.txt SecFix.dll
    SecTool.DLL Sendspy.dll
    StringViewer.dll unbero.dll
    UnCDS_SS.DLL undef.dll
    UnFakeNinja.DLL unfsg.dll
    UnitsBrowser.dll UnPPP.DLL
    UnRCrypt.DLL UnRPolyCrypt.DLL
    UnUPolyX.dll UNUPX.DLL
    unupx2.dll UnUPXShit.dll
    UPXI.dll UPXScramb.dll
    uupx.dll VerA.dll
    VerA.txt xInfo.DLL
    XNResourceEditor_Plugin.DLL XP.dll
    YPP.DLL ypp.ini
    ZDRx.dll [[-=About PEiD =-]]
    PEiD now fully supports commandline parameters.
    peid -time// Show statistics before quitting显示信息
    peid -r// Recurse through subdirectories扫描子目录
    peid -nr// Don't scan subdirectories even if its set不扫描子目录
    peid -hard// Scan files in Hardcore Mode采用核心扫描模式
    peid -deep// Scan files in Deep Mode采用深度扫描模式
    peid -norm// Scan files in Normal Mode采用正常扫描模式
    peid <file1> <file2> <dir1> <dir2>
    You can combine one or more of the parameters.
    For example.
    peid -hard -time -r c:\\windows\\system32
    peid -time -deep c:\\windows\\system32\\*.dll
    0.7 Beta -> First public release.
    0.8 Public->Added support for 40 more packers. OEP finding module. Task viewing/control module.
    GUI changes. General signature bug fixes. Multiple File and Directory Scanning module.
    0.9 Recode->Completely recoded from scratch. New Plugin Interface which lets you use extra features.
    Added more than 130 new signatures. Fixed many detections and general bugs.
    0.91 Reborn-> Recoded everything again. New faster and better scanning engine. New internal signature system.
    MFS v0.02 now supports Recursive Scanning. Commandline Parser now updated and more powerful.
    Detections fine tuned and newer detections added. Very basic Heuristic scanning.
    0.92 Classic->Added support for external database, independent of internal signatures. Added PE details lister.
    Added Import, Export, TLS and Section viewers. Added Disassembler. Added Hex Viewer.
    Added ability to use plugins from Multiscan window. Added exporting of Multiscan results.
    Added ability to abort MultiScan without loosing results.
    Added ability to show process icons in Task Viewer.
    Added ability to show modules under a process in Task Viewer. Added some more detections.
    0.93 Elixir->Added sorting of Plugin menu items. Submenus are created based on subfolders in the directory.
    Added Brizo disassembler core. Added some more detections.
    Fixed documented and undocumented vulnerability issues.
    Fixed some general bugs.
    Removed mismatch mode scanner which needs further improvements.
    0.94 Flux->Too much is new to remember.
    MFS, Task Viewer and Disassembler windows maximizable.
    New smaller and lighter disassembler core CADT.
    New KANAL 2.90 with much more detections and export features.
    Added loads of new signatures. Thanks to all the external signature collecti6. 相聚是看到了彼此的优点,分离是看到了彼此的缺陷。ons online.
    String References integrated into disassembler.
    Fixed documented and undocumented crashes.
    Fixed some general bugs.
    0.95 Phoenix -> Fixed some crashing bugs.
    Minor Core update.
    Crash Fix in Securom detection.
        郁孤台下清江水,中间多少行人泪。西北是长安,可怜无数山。蜡烛有心还惜别,替人垂泪到天明。PEiD,编程控件There were 100 traffic accidents in April, and increase of 5 percent in a five-month period.




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更新时间:2025/2/23 0:52:44