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游戏 数独达人 Sudoku Master 1.1.2
分类 策略经营
语言 简体中文
大小 3.25M
版本 免费
介绍     数独达人 Sudoku Master 1.1.2免费惊天动地呆若木鸡布局巧妙45. 缺角的月亮虽然没有耀眼的光辉,但却同样可以把清柔的光芒撒满人间;清澈的溪流虽然没有容纳百川的胸怀,但却同样可以让溪边的小花摇曳生姿。世上没有十全十美的事情,有时候缺陷也可以成为一种美,仍可以放射出光彩。28. People should pay more attention to the education of children because they will play a very significant /(important) part/(role) in the future of our country.214.山不在高,有仙则名;水不在深,有龙则灵。《陋室铭》
    数独达人是Google Play上排名第一的数独类游戏,它拥有精致的画面和杀手级的特性。 数独达人经过精雕细琢,并拥有引以为豪的直观触屏操作的游戏玩法, 完全可以让你不再需要纸质数独。 2000多个关卡和从简单到专家的4个不同难度级别,马上来挑战自己吧! 游戏特征:- 两种模式: 经典模式和休闲模式(自动去除错误的数字)- 4个难度级别: 简单,普通,困难,专家- 平滑的界面和令人印象深刻的图形- 支持游戏自动保存和继续进行- 支持智能的笔记(铅笔记号)- 支持错误检测(高亮显示错误的输入)- 高亮显示被选中的数字- 支持统计跟踪 游戏规则:数独是一种基于逻辑推理的数字填充谜题。游戏目标是用1到9这9个数字填满一个9x9的方格,使得每一行、每一列以及每一个3x3的子方格都包含1到9这9个数字。 --- Sudoku Master is #1 Sudoku game available in Google Play with beautiful graphics and killer features. Sudoku Master has been polished to perfection and boasts an intuitive, touch screen game play which makes you never need a paper puzzle again. Now challenge yourself to more than 2000 puzzles and 4 levels of difficulty from Easy to Expert! Game Features:- Two modes - Classic & Casual (auto remove the wrong numbers)- 4 Levels - Easy, Normal, Hard, Expert- Smooth interface and Impressive graphics- Auto-save & Resume- Smart Notes (pencil marks)- Error checking (incorrect entry highlighting)- Selected digit highlighting- Statistics tracking Game Rules:Sudoku is a logic-based number-placement puzzle. The objective is to fill a 9 9 grid with digits so that each column, each row, and each of the nine 3×3 sub-grids contains all of the digits from 1 to 9. 惠然之顾拼音:huì rán zhī gù释义:用作欢迎客人来临的客气话。同惠然肯来”。出处:晋·袁宏《后汉纪·灵帝纪下》弥秋历冬,经迈二载,深拒以疾,无惠然之顾。”示例:无
    数独达人 Sudoku Master 1.1.2 更新内容:
  • 允许应用程序访问网络连接
  • 允许应用程序写入外部存储,如SD卡上写文件
  • 允许应用程序获取网络信息状态
  • 允许应用程序读取扩展存储器
    思绵绵,夜永对景,那堪屈指,暗想从前。未名未禄,绮陌红楼,往往经岁迁延。032韦应物:东郊数独达人 Sudoku Master,数独达人 Sudoku Master下载,数独达人 Sudoku Master手机版Just as not every Japanese is hardworking and deferential to superiors (长者、上司), not every Chinese is devoted to family, not every American is ambitious or patriotic - or even unsophisticated.




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